Congrats CMSgt Ryan D. Pierce of the 434th Force Support Squadron at Grissom Air Reserve Base on your retirement. Thank you for your years of dedicated service to our Air Force and our nation!
Congratulations to the 434th Air Refueling Wing Annual Awards Winners who demonstrated tremendous dedication to excellence over the past year! The Gold Medal Awards team is a proud sponsor of your event and equally proud to provide the awards. Thanks for all you do to protect our nation!
Good luck to the 434th Air Refueling Wing Quarterly Awards nominees! The Gold Medal Awards team is grateful for the effort these men and women in the 434th put forth as part of the world's greatest Air Force defending our country. We're proud to help with awards that serve in a small way to recognize your hard work. We would love to show the other side of these engraved Yeti tumblers, but they have the winner's names on them and we don't want to be the spoiler.